Colon cancer colonoscopy: detects it quickly and can treat it.

Colorectal cancer is most common in people aged 50 and over, but it can occur at any age. People with a family history of colon and rectal cancer are at higher risk than the general population.
At present, the exact cause of colon cancer is not known. But I believe that eating food that has a lot of dietary fiber. Eat food that has little fat. Combine with regular exercise and prevent constipation. It can help reduce the chance of colon cancer.
Early detection of colon cancer Without waiting for symptoms to occur, it will help reduce the death rate from colon cancer. Using the colonoscopy method To find abnormalities of the colon and rectum This is a method accepted by the Gastrointestinal Association of Thailand. Gastrointestinal Association of the United States and around the world that it is an effective method.
And how do we know? What symptoms indicate a risk of colon cancer? And how should you take care of yourself?
The occurrence of colon cancer is divided into 4 stages:
The first stage is a lump or polyp on the surface of the colon wall.
– The second phase begins to spread into the colon wall.
– The third stage has spread to the lymph nodes.
– Stage IV: It has spread to various organs such as the liver, lungs, and brain.
Indications for colonoscopy (Colonoscopy)
- Having abnormal bowel habits (Abnormal Bowel Habit) such as increased constipation. Have alternating diarrhea and constipation Passing stool with blood or mucus. or frequent diarrhea
- lower abdominal pain I feel pain and want to take pictures. Or it comes and goes, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss.
- Abnormalities detected on colon X-Ray (Abnormal Barlum Enema)
- Have a family history of colon cancer
- The stool may look normal. But laboratory tests found blood contamination (Occult Blood Test results were positive).
3 ways to take care of yourself after colonoscopy
- First meal after colonoscopy You should choose small amounts of soft food, such as porridge or porridge. Avoid oily and spicy food. or alcoholic beverages
- After eating, get up and walk slowly for 10 – 15 minutes to help the intestines contract better.
- In cases where polyps or tumors in the intestines have been removed Patients can carry out their daily activities as usual the next day. But you shouldn’t lift heavy things. Or do exercises that require you to tighten your abdomen during the first week.